Don’t I Need More Protein for More Strength, Energy, Health and Fitness? (Part 1 of 2)

Most of us believe that more protein is necessary for increased strength and fitness and higher energy. This is a common myth, accepted without question, that has been perpetuated in the last fifty or more years.And in today’s commercial climate of the advertising and the promotion of meat, dairy products, protein diets, protein drinks, protein shakes, protein bars, and fitness gurus, perhaps you may find yourself wondering: “Don’t we need more protein for strength and energy?”We do not need to eat meat protein in order to grow big, strong muscles and to generate more energy. Plant foods provide all the protein we need for healthy, strong muscles.As for energy, our best sources of energy are not provided by protein at all.You can do the research in some basic biology or nutrition books to find out what foods provide strength and energy, or just look to nature for some common sense answers.What is one of the biggest mammals on this planet? Does an elephant immediately come to mind? What food sources provide this animal with great, big, strong muscles and more than enough energy?Plant foods! Elephants don’t eat cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, eggs, milk, cheese, or fish to get their protein to grow big, powerful muscles and to boost their energy.Elephants eat plant foods and not a big variety of plant foods at that. If elephants can eat and thrive on only plant foods, don’t you think that you, with your relatively little muscles and little body, can thrive on plant foods also? Of course you can.When in doubt about which foods are necessary for human health, just ask the elephants!But what about energy? Don’t we need to eat animal sources of protein to get enough energy?Find out in Part 2 of this 2-part article: Don’t I Need More Protein for More Strength, Energy, and Fitness?

Ideas to Start a Successful Online Digital Photography Business

If you have the knack of originality and a proficient hand at handling digital equipments, starting your own photography business would not be a mean feat for you. However, possessing excellent technical and photography skills do not qualify you as a business person capable of sustaining your own photography business. To commence your own new business successfully, you need to have prior knowledge on the legal, financial and management aspects of it. Here are a few tips on starting your new photography business.Learn the kind of photography you would like to specialize in: Understanding your skills and knack is the first important step towards initializing a new business as the field of photography is wide and replete with competitive players. In the field you would meet myriad freelancers working for dailies, weekly supplements earning a handful of 5,000 $ per day. So, realize what kind of activity you want to indulge into. Assignment photography is quite a popular pick by fresher as this type is commissioned by a client. The job includes taking pictures for advertising their products, covering weddings, functions and events etc. Stock photography, on the other hand is opted by several photographers contemplating to make a living out of selling their clicked pictures. These stock photography web sites offer platforms to photographers to market their art work to a wide range of potential online consumers. Photographers get paid some fixed commission amount at every download.Scribble your photography business plan: This is the second step to establishing a successful business. This plan will serve as a road map essential for directing your start-up and business evolving needs. In the plan, try to analyze your financial requirements for starting your business; learn the parameters of your resources, marketing strategies that would lead you to learn the financial standing of your business. As you go further in your photography business, this plan would be your check mark to remind you of the progress of the path you had planned before getting started with the business.Open an account for your new business: Another step is to visit your bank and ask them to open a new checking account pertaining to your business. This is done to avoid intermixing of your personal account with your business account. Deposit the amount / capital you have saved into that account and once the account is established, use the amount to invest in your business. It is advisable to accrue a separate credit card for your business and do not make your personal purchasing from it.Get your photography business set-up insured: This is the most imperative step towards starting a new business. You must sort ways to secure your establishment, regardless of its size right at the stage of commencing it. Most of the photographers derive benefits from the clauses mentioned in liability insurance, especially those who have clients paying visits to their studios. This insurance will offer you protection in case, your studio gets affected or you incur an injury.If you would like to learn more about how to start a photography business and need a digital photography business plan, then make sure that you read this online photography business free report written by Dan Feildman, that will literally show you step by step just how anybody really can start a successful home photography business.

How Does Instant Internet Lifestyle Compare?

Most of us have wondered what it would be like to be able to quit our day jobs, win the lottery, start our own business or find a way to earn a lucrative Internet based income from home. Some of us have even actively looked into doing it instead of just dreaming about it – which is certainly a step in the right direction!Still, how many have actually ‘made it’ in Internet marketing? Is the fabled instant Internet lifestyle just that – a wonderful myth?It’s perhaps understandable that some people dismiss such courses as scams or at the very least as wishful thinking – or maybe (just maybe) they work for ‘other people’ but not for normal folk like you and me.Honestly, I thought the same thing.Sometimes, though, hitting ‘rock bottom’ can actually be the beginning. With my back against the wall I knew it was time to either take a chance or linger without hope until all my money ran out and I lost my home and everything I’d worked for.Have you ‘been there’, too?You see, I’d lost my job and with the economy the way it is, over a year later (with no job prospects in sight) my unemployment was running out. I had run through my savings. I had no one to turn to and was desperate to find a way to not only pay my mortgage and other bills but to finally, at nearly 50 years of age, start to build the life I always wanted – complete with the freedom to work from home.I wanted to have a chance to make a breakthrough in my earnings by running my own home-based business instead of being at the mercy of someone else again.So, with my heart thudding, I decided to buy Lee McIntyre’s Instant Internet Lifestyle and make a radical investment in my future.Radical not because it was super expensive (Instant Internet Lifestyle was easily affordable, even for someone in my position) but because I was taking a chance on two things – Lee McIntyre’s integrity and a belief in my own ability to change my life.Next thing you know I had instant access to Lee’s website, and his upside-down inside-out video workshops. Instead of the flash and hype of other courses I’d been flirting with buying, I found real people, humble people, like me, who had managed to ‘make it’ as Internet marketers.Another difference was Lee’s philosophy on how to build a real business – a business that can support almost unlimited upward growth rather than having to be retooled and re-launched every few weeks. Some of the ‘business plans’ from the other so-called guru’s were enough to make my head spin. Lee McIntyre’s Get More Momentum Instant Internet Lifestyle was a breath of fresh air – straight from the glorious English gardens of the UK!That’s one thing you might find a little bit challenging unless you’re already used to the British accent. I love it, but if he talks a little fast once in a while and you miss something, don’t worry; he’s sure to repeat it again later.You see Lee used to be a school teacher. He taught the ‘tough’ kids who didn’t want to be there in school – and he taught them to excel. So if he can teach them (and teach me) surely he can coach you to internet marketing success, too.I’m not going to try to lure anyone with impressive earnings or throw a bunch of numbers at you – let’s just say I have never regretted my decision to buy Instant Internet Lifestyle, and by the end of this year I’ll be making more than I ever made in one year working for someone else; considerably more.All while staying in the comfort of my own home, having time to play with my dogs throughout the day, visit with neighbors or enjoy my garden… If that’s not my dream come true, I don’t know what would be.If you want to check it out for yourself just follow this link – but don’t put it off, because if you’re reading this right now it just might be the right time for you to start living your dream too.